Monday, May 12, 2008


Today, my 28th birthday, I'm trying to concentrate on what is good in my life. So often I get wrapped up in what I want and think I deserve instead of concentrating on the wonderful things already in my life that make me happy.

I have a family that loves me, a wonderful husband who takes great care of me, a job that keeps me well stocked in yarn, and a roof over my head. I really have very little to worry about.

And yet, I do. Constantly. About getting a new job, about paying the bills, about everything. I hate it, and I'm trying to be better. I'm working on appreciating the little things. I'm trying to not be grumpy. I'm trying to smile more.

In this light, I've decided on the theme for this year's birthday/blogiversary contest! Happiness.

Please leave a comment here, or send me an email (branderson2006ATgmailDOTcom) telling me what you're grateful for in life. What makes you happy?

Entries received before Friday May 16 at 11:59pm will be entered into a random drawing for some yummy yarn. Or, if you're not into that, we'll work something out.

Thanks for playing. Have a great day!

Go wish Nova and Rangsiwan a happy birthday too!