Saturday, May 24, 2008

Drinking the Kool-Aid

First off, thank you all so much for your responses to my last post. I really feel like we have such a great community here in blog-land. There's so much love and positive energy - you're awesome!

Secondly, congrats to Rebecca who won the contest. I'll be sending you some goodies soon!

I entrusted my wonderful husband with the task of choosing the winner:
Contest Winner

In other news, I've recently been drinking the spinning Kool-Aid. My lovely mother got me a drop spindle class with Kristine of A Verb for Keeping Warm at Article Pract.

Spinning is really, really difficult to do correctly, but it's also fun. It might start to take away from my knitting time. And I might already be stalking more blogs of knitters who also spin.

It's amazing that in less than a week, I've turned a pile of wool like this
Drinking the KoolAid

into yarn like this.

My first handspun

It might not be smooth or pretty or evenly spun, but it's yarn. And I made it. How cool is that?
We have a second class meeting tomorrow where we'll learn how to ply and try spinning other fibers.

Earlier this week I fell down at and ordered some more fiber. Like I need another stash...

This could be bad.