Thursday, July 26, 2007


Well hello. I can't believe this week is almost over already.
Is it just me, or is this year freakin' flying by?

Welcome, July. Nice of you to stop by. Let me show you to the door.
August? I'll be right with you.


Anyway, I was out of the loop last week. Had a lovely little vacation. And while I was gone, you people were busy. And I mean BUSY. I had over 1,000 new entries on my bloglines when I checked it Monday morning. Some of them were recycles, but still. Damn.

It took a while to catch up. And I am such a loser and I owe so many people replies to their comments, that I've decided to start over. So, thank you to everyone who has commented on my last few posts. Thank you, thank you. And now, I'm wiping the slate clean and will start replying to comments again. I promise.

Right, you're here for knitting.

Orangina is done and so so totally awesome I can't even believe it.

Pattern: Orangina by Stephanie Japel

Size: Uh, small I think

Yarn: Jaeger Siena - color 418 (black). How can black be color 418? just under 5 skeins

Needles: Size 3 Inox circs

Mods: None really. Just made the ribbing longer than called for.

Comments: This has to be the most comfortable, most wearable and work appropriate thing I've knitted. It made its workday debut on Monday.
The lace pattern is easily memorizable, and if I hadn't ignored it so much, it would have been finished pretty quickly.


And besides all that, Stephanie is awesome. I got her new book Fitted Knits for my birthday and it is so well planned and thought out. I love it!